Find room
Our advantages
Discount 12% for any room category
if booking online on our site
Possibility of free early check-in
or late check-out if available
Free upgrade of room category
Free cancelling of booking
Opportunity to take part in a draw
for free of charge stay
Bonuses and gifts for our guests

5 reasons to book here

Advantages of direct booking

Early check-in and late check-out

Early check-in and late check-out

Free early check-in and late check-out by agreement with the booking department. This information must be specified in advance when booking a room. Available subject to availability.
Excellent location in the very center of the capital

Excellent location in the very center of the capital

The hotel is located in the historical center of Moscow. Guests of our hotel have the opportunity to quickly get to the main attractions of the city. So, the road to Red Square will take 15 minutes on foot.

Upgrade of the room category

Upgrade of the room category

Free upgrade of the room category in agreement with the booking department. Available subject to availability.

Booking guarantee

Booking guarantee

We offer guaranteed room reservations without the need to provide your credit card details. Make a reservation with us without worrying about your financial security.

Free cancellation of the reservation

Free cancellation of the reservation

When booking a room, you have a choice - to pay online or upon arrival at the hotel. In addition, it is possible to cancel the reservation free of charge on the day of arrival without penalties. Cancellation of the reservation takes place by phone.

Early check-in and late check-out
Excellent location in the very center of the capital
Upgrade of the room category
Booking guarantee
Free cancellation of the reservation

Wedding proposal

We are sincerely happy that you trust us with your most important dates.

Spend unforgettable days at our Arbat House Hotel.

Click "More Details" to read the offer and terms.

Long stay

We are happy to provide a discount for stays of five or more nights in our hotel.

  • Special discount from 5 nights - 15%
  • Special discount from 7 nights - 20%
  • Special discount from 10 nights - 23%

Click "More Details" to find out the conditions.

Romantic weekend

Spend an unforgettable weekend with your significant other!

We will prepare for you a small decoration in the room, as well as a compliment from the hotel.

Click "Learn More" to find out which services are included additionally.

Arbat House in photos

Welcome to Arbat House

Hotel services

Buffet breakfast
Buffet breakfast
Accommodation with pets
Accommodation with pets
Room service
Room service
Lunch and dinner at the restaurant
Lunch and dinner at the restaurant
Morning wake-up call
Morning wake-up call

Frequent questions

We collected frequent questions and prepared answers to them. Please study them, most likely you will find the answer to your question.

How to get to the hotel?

On foot. If you are at the Arbatskaya metro station, you need to navigate to exit No. 8 to the streets "Povarskaya" and "Bolshaya Nikitskaya". When exiting the subway, you need to turn left and walk to the underground pedestrian crossing and go to the opposite side. Turn left again and cross the road to the opposite side (to Bolshaya Nikitskaya Street). Then turn right and walk forward along Bolshaya Nikitskaya Street to the house of the Gogol Museum. Go through the houses of the Gogol Museum. Then move along Merzlyakovsky Street and turn left at the second turn onto Tablecloth Lane.

By car. The exact address for the navigator:
13, Skatertny Lane, Moscow.

Is breakfast included in the accommodation?

Yes, breakfast is included in the stay at the Arbat House Hotel. From 7:30 to 11:00, the Arbat House Hotel offers its guests a buffet breakfast, which is included in the room rate.

How do I book a room at your hotel?

To book a room on the hotel's website, you should follow these steps:

  1. Click on the "Book" button in the upper right corner in the header of the site or follow thislink.
  2. Enter the dates of arrival and departure, as well as the number of guests for whom you would like to book a room.
  3. Click on the "Search" or "Find Rooms" button to get a list of available rooms and prices.
  4. Choose a suitable room that suits your needs and budget.
  5. Click the "Book" or "Book" button to go to the booking page.
  6. Enter the necessary information for booking, such as name, email address, phone number and payment card details.
  7. Check all the information you have entered and click the "Confirm Booking" or "Book Now" button.
  8. After completing the booking, you will receive a booking confirmation to your email or on the booking confirmation page on the hotel's website.

Is there parking on site?

No, there is no free parking at the Arbat House Hotel. There is paid parking near the hotel.

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